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Kindly note, the below is merely tips and we highly recommend contacting Home Affairs to ensure you meet all the latest requirements. 


South African residents do not need a Visa, other foreigners however do. Visas can be obtained from a Mozambican Embassy beforehand, but can also be obtained at border posts, including Inhambane Airport.


The following restrictions exist on products that may be brought into Mozambique:
  Tobacco products: 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco
 Alcohol: 1 litre spirits and 2,25 litre wine 
 Perfume: 50ml perfume or 250ml diluted perfumery
 Specialised pharmaceuticals: as deemed required to be consumed for duration of stay
 Other articles: to a maximum value of 50 US$



 Arms, ammunition and explosives
 Gold, silver and platinum bullion or ingots
 Animal remains or products
 Plants, roots and tubers
 Medicine apart from personal medicine.

At the Lebombo border, no problems have been experienced yet with reasonable quantities of meat, fruit or vegetables whilst at the Inhambane Airport these are goods are sometimes confiscated.


 Vehicle registration document including that for a trailer if applicable (or certified copies). Letter of authority from the financing institution if the vehicle is on hire purchase. Letter of authority from the vehicle owner if the vehicle if the driver is not the owner.
 Passports
 Children require unabridged birth certificates


 Passports to be stamped and duty paid (around R20 per passport)
 Temporary import permit for vehicle and trailer, if applicable
 Third party insurance (from agents at border e.g. Hollard)

It is our experience that making use of a reliable border "agent" familiar with all proceedings to assist one with the paperwork and overcome the language barrier (namely Portuguese) goes a long way to ensure a swift and hassle free border crossing on the Mozambican side. Cost for such a service is around R150 per vehicle - contact details can be provided on request.


Always have your driving licence, passport, temporary import and third party insurance documents, vehicle registration document and documents from the financing institution (if applicable) available.
 If towing, a yellow triangle must be displayed on the front of the towing vehicle and back of trailer.
 Always have two reflective material warning triangles and reflective jacket in the vehicle.
 Only licensed drivers may drive vehicles - this applies everywhere, even off main roads.
 Seatbelts must be worn at all times.
 No body part may extend outside the vehicle (e.g. arm out the window).
 Drinking and driving is strictly prohibited - furthermore do not have alcoholic beverages in the passenger compartment, even if unopened.
 Talking on a cell phone while driving is not allowed, unless it is a hands free unit.
 Always stick to the speed limit - exceeding the speed limit by 20 kph can result in being banned from driving for three months whilst driving at double the limit leads to immediate jailing. Speed fines can be up to 8000 Mt.
 No driving is allowed on beaches, except for boat launching in designated areas (Fines up to 20 000 Mt).



All major towns have filling stations, often with convenience shops and good, clean toilet facilities. It is advisable to pay in Meticais as the exchange rate offered along the road is somewhat below the going rate.
 Several good overnight establishments can be found on the way - we advise sleeping over rather than driving at night due to animals, pedestrians and vehicles with poor lights.
 The N4 highway, all the way from the border, is in very good condition up to Lindela. Having turned right towards Inhambane, there is 25 km of tarred road in reasonable condition before the turnoff on the dirt road to Mahale. Another 16 km on this road, normally in good condition, brings one to a small local shopping area, called Rocky, where there is also a filling station open from 08h00 to 18h00 daily. Deflate your tyres at this point as the last 2,5 km is sandy - 4x4 to 1,2 bar and 2x4 with diff. lock to around 0,8 bar.
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